Sunday, 23 December 2012

Green Musketeer, a dream or reality?

I start 'Green Musketeer' because I want to share my dream to cause the reforestation of Earth. I know this sounds big, and it does, but that is also my objective. We need to do it and in the coming years I'll share my ideas about this with you. We caused 2 billion hectares of manmade deserts over the last 2,000 years, and now we have to restore that area. If we are able to go to Mars, then why shouldn't we be able to reforest Earth? If these manmade deserts where once green, they are easy to reforest. For this objective I need your support, because we cannot do this individually. We all have to share this objective and cooperate, fight, to reach it. For this reason I chose the name 'Green Musketeer' for this column, inspired by the famous book of Alexander Dumas.

My suggestion is to reforest Earth with economical interesting trees on easy to access areas, and ecological interesting trees on difficult to access areas. This way we can create a balance between the interests of people (food, jobs) and wildlife (food, survival). A balance between both interests will lead to a clean production of healthy food and sound products, without plagues. If you support this dream, then start to support the idea of 'planting 2 billion hectares (5 B acres) before 2050' in your personal environment. You may also click the 'like' button and/or send this column to your friends. Maybe you want to subscribe on my three-monthly newsletter? And last but not least, be a Green Musketeer yourself and fight for the reforestation of Earth before 2050 in your local habitat. Why it's so good you can read here in the article: advantages of trees.

If you have any suggestion or want to show your initiatives, please react.

Let's green the world!

Pieter Hoff,
The Green Musketeer

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