The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids of Giza and the ancient Chinese built the Chinese Wall. The Dutch have created the biggest monument on Earth: a country. Over the last 1,000 years they built 13,000 kilometres of dikes, twice the length of the Chinese Wall. They created their capital Amsterdam four meters below sea level. To pump the water out they used green energy: windmills!
If you read the history of the creation of this monument on the bottom of the sea, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of people drowned, you can't help wondering what drives people to build such massive monuments. Why did the Egyptians build pyramids, the Chinese a wall and the Dutch their country? One of the reasons behind it is 'willpower'. Once a community is determined to create something, they will be able to achieve their goal, no matter what price they have to pay. People are even willing to die for their ideal! This is why I appeal to you to be a 'Green Musketeer'.
If we really want to reforest the world, and if together we can inspire millions of others to achieve this, then it will happen. If the Dutch were able to create a country from the sea, then why couldn't we create forests from man made deserts? In order to make it happen, each Green Musketeer must fight for this ideal. Things don't happen by themselves, they happen only because you make them happen. If you want the world to plant trees, then you have to start doing this and not wait for someone else. How? By doing what you're good at! If you're a journalist, write about the advantages of trees. If you live in a street without trees, invite your neighbours to plant together. When you write a thesis on economy, prove that planting two billion hectares of trees creates two billion new jobs. Inspire all your friends to be a Green Musketeer, and an army of tree lovers will develop. If we do this we can beat the Dutch in the 21st century by building an even bigger monument than they did: two billion hectares of new forests!
Let's green the world!
Pieter Hoff,
Green Musketeer
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